If you are about to buy, or are thinking of buying a new car, there are some practical things that you need to look out for. Be careful if you are buying a second-hand car. Do not buy one that could be stolen or be a likely target for thieves.
Information on manufacturer’s warranties and cars bought on credit.
What steps you can take if your car dealer has offered to repair your car, has already attempted to fix it or is refusing to repair your vehicle.
Advice on cars bought in private sales, what rights you have and what steps you can take if you have a problem.
It's easy to buy and sell cars online. However, according to a car trading website, ExchangeandMart.co.uk, there are a growing number of criminals who target online used car buyers and sellers.
If you buy a stolen car, the police can take it from you to return it to the original owner or the insurance company.
A lot of people think of auctions as simply being places where you can sell antiques or collectables, but the reality is most items can be sold at auction, including cars.
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