
The Alsace was an American Automobile produced by the Automotive Products Corp. for export trade.
The factory was located in Philadelphia, PA with it main office in the Woolworth Bldg. in New York, NY.
The Automotive Products Co.
New York, NY / Philadelphia, PA
The Automotive Products Co. manufactured an assembled car from standard parts of proven worth.
The short lived Alsace was finished in deep red, Rolls Royce blue and Cobalt blue. It had right hand drive and Rolls Royce type of radiator, Bosch Magneto and demountable rims. A 1919 Alsace Touring Car was priced at $1485.00.
All Alsace automobiles were equipped with four cylinder Herschell-Spillman engine. Zenith made the carburetor, transmission is a Grant Lees selective type with three speeds forward, Dyneto made the starter and lighting system, a 6 volt Philadelp-hia Diamond Grid, the drive is a Hotchkiss type, front axle and rear end was a Stan Par I-beam, 32 inch wood artillery wheels, Fisk or Goodrich tires and the fuel feed system is by Stewart vacuum.
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