
The California-based Beardsley Electric Company proclaimed that it designed its electric cars for Pacific Coast roads and climate.
The company targeted both male and female drivers with its advertising campaigns.
Beardsley 1914-1917 Beardsley Electric Co.
1914-1915 Los Angeles, CA.
1915-1917 Culver City, CA.
Volney S. Beardsley, some 160 cars made in twelve models. One remaining
The Beardsley Electric Co. filed its Articles of Incorporation with California’s Secretary of State in 1913. (Articles of Incorporation include information about a company’s directors and stockholders, place of business, purpose, term of incorporation, value of stock, and number of shares issued.)
The company dealt in vehicle manufacture, sales and upkeep. By 1918, the Beardsley Co. was no longer an active corporation.
No models found