
The Bergdoll was a high quality automobile built from 1908 to 1913 manufactured in Philadelphia, PA by the Louis J. Bergdoll Motor Company.
The Louis J. Bergdoll Motor Co.
Philadelphia, PA
The Bergdol was produced in two different popular series, the Bergdoll 30 (1908-1912) 30 horsepower and Bergdoll 40 (1912-1913) 40 horsepower.
The Bergdoll Thirty (30 horsepower) was the series produced most of the life time of this American Automobile. The Bergdoll was one of the outstanding makes of the period from the standpoint of quality. A 1910 Bergdoll Touring Car is shown below equipped with a four cylinder.
By 1912, the Louis J. Bergdoll Motor Co. produced five different models. The "Louis J" Roadster that sold for $1,600.00, a four door six passenger Touring Car also priced at $1,600.00, a $2,500.00 Limousine, a small Toy Tonneau at $1,600.00 and a five passenger Touring Car priced at $1,500.00.
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