Brown, Hughes And Strachan

Strachans, at one time known as Strachan and Brown, was a significant supplier of bus and coach bodies from the ‘Twenties through to the late ‘Sixties.
After that they appear to have quit the PSV market but continued to trade as a supplier to the Ministry of Defense. Based for many years in North Acton, London they moved to premises on Hamble Airfield in Hampshire around 1960. The last date I have where any activity is recorded is 1984.
The Aberdonia was an English car manufactured in Park Royal, London from 1911 to 1915 by the coachbuilders Brown, Hughes and Strachan. The engine was a 3160 cc, 4 cylinder, side valve unit rated at 20 hp for taxation purposes. It cost £500 with seven-seated touring coachwork, or £700 with "special landau body".
At the 1911 London Motor Show a one-off design, mid-engined and forward-control with the driver ahead of the engine was displayed.
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