BSA Motorcycles G34/14 And Sidecar 1934

G34/14 And Sidecar 1934 Featured Image

Both the de Luxe and Colonial machines had been specifically designed for Side Car work with heavy loads.

To supply extra speed for such work in the country the 9.86 hp V Twin is a typical example of the standard design engine of the day, it was also much used as a super touring machine.

The Police and public services throughout the world proved that this machine was capable of providing many years’ hard work and service with many notching up huge mileage. Its initial purchase price in the 1930s was around 82 pounds, not the cheapest side chair outfit on the market at the time but definitely one of the strongest.

This bike was purchased at auction in the UK and had spent its previous life on display at the “Professor Fritz Ehn Motorcycle Museum Collection’’ Royal Air force Museum, Hendon London.

While in NZ it has had minor work carried out and is a bike that you will see over summer out and about on Nelson’s roads.