Neander Motorcycles

Ernst Neumann-Neander founded the Neander Motorfahrzeug GmbH Düren-Rölsdorf in Düren in 1926.
He designed the futuristic Neander-Rahmen (Neander frame), which was made from box-section Duralumin and had a unique design of pivoted front fork. From 1928 Opel also manufactured the same frame under licence, and it was very successful in motorcycle racing. Neander's own factory produced about 2,000 motorcycles before production ceased some time in the 1930s.
Werftbahnstraße 8
D-24143 Kiel
The foundation of the Neander motor vehicles GmbH in 2003 by Philipp Hitzbleck build the base for our current business . The company’s goal was a small series of turbocharged diesel motorcycle with the twin crankshaft . Only two years later the first registration of the Neander – the world’s first turbo diesel motorcycle – take place.
In 2007 the GmbH was transformed in the NEANDER MOTORS AG.
Merely three years later – 2009 – the ingenuity of the idea had been recognized e.g. by the Schmidt-Römhild Technology-Award presented by the Ministry of Science, Economy and Traffic of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
The development of the first application of Neander technology took place in the same year – in 2009 Neander Shark GmbH was founded as a 100% subsidiary of the NEANDER MOTORS AG. The purpose of the company is to develop the world’s first turbo diesel outboard engine under 100 hp: The NEANDER Dtorque.
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