New Map Motorcycles

New-Map is a former French manufacturer of motor-bikes and, more recently, of very small cars and delivery vehicles.
The business of powered vehicle production was instigated by Paul Martin at the bicycle plant that had been founded by his father, Joseph Martin, at the end of the previous century. The motor-bike and small vehicle business operated from Lyon between 1920 and 1956.
Brief History of the Marque: New Map
Motocyclettes New-Map
122 av. Lacassagne
LYON (Rhône)
The origins go back to the late 1890s when Joseph Martin set up a bicycle manufacturing and sub-contracting firm in Lyon, his son Paul was responsible for the creation of New-Map in 1926. Post-WW2, production centred around lightweight motorcycles powered by Yrdal and AMC (Atelier Mécanique du Centre, Clermont Ferrand) engines.
From 1920 to the the late 1950s (another source says 1954) New Map built numerous models with engines from Chaise, Blackburne,MAG, AMC, Aubier Dunne, JAP, Mistral, Sachs, Opti and Zurcher of 48cc to 998cc capacity. These included diminutive mopeds, commuters, minicars, scooters, fully enclosed motorcycles, high-powered tourers and racing bikes.
The factory concentrated on assembling motorcycles with various types of engines. To name a few: Zurcher, JAP, Chaise, Blackburne, MAG, Ydral, AMC, Aubier et Dunne and Sachs. The firm was founded in Lyon in 1898 by Joseph Martin as a cycle firm. During the Great War the firm made wheels and various other parts for airplanes and rolling stock . The business grew rapidly and in the early twenties Joseph's son Paul took over and decided to start assembling motorcycles.
The first machines were marketed in 1925. From 1927 the make became very popular because of the good-looking, sporty models with powerful OHV engines. Sales were excellent in spite of the high purchase price: a 350 cc side valve Terrot machine would cost 5500 Francs while a BL 3 New Map had a price tag of 7900 Francs.
The motor-bikes were powered using motors brought in from specialist suppliers such as AMC, Blackburne, J.A.P., MAG and Ydral.
Between 1938 and 1945 about 1,000 very small cars were produced. They were powered by 100 cc engines from Sachs. The cars featured open-topped bodies with space for two.
In 1946 a larger though similar (and still very small) voiturette appeared, now powered by a 125 cc engine. Contemporary documentation indicates that this was in most respects a rerun of the prewar model featuring, slightly incongruously, a frontal design apparently copied from a Matford. In 1947 production transferred to a new location in Clermont-Ferrandand the car was renamed as the Rolux.
Delivery tricycles
Small three-wheeler delivery vehicles were also produced under the Solyto name. This model was also produced, under licence, in Spain by Delfín
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