Willys Overland Super Mule 1958-1960

Super Mule 1958-1960 Featured Image

1958-60 Super Mule, a Stubborn Concept

Having invented the platform vehicle in WWII, Willys was quite enamored of the platform concept and carried it through to a highly developed state. Willys had both a civilian and a military version with modular body panels that could be added or removed. They had fully independent SLA suspension of an advanced design and a 72hp mid-mounted, air-cooled flat four that Willys had developed. A diesel version of that engine was also developed. Shown here is the military M443E1 version, which has outboard drum brakes and seats that folded down to form a cargo platform. The military already had the compact M274 Mule and didn’t bite on this Super version, despite generally favorable performance. Marketing studies showed little civvy interest as well as DOT obstacles, so the platform vehicle idea finally died at Willys Motors for good in the early ’60s.

Credit: fourwheeler.com